First install wholebrain
If you are running on Linux or Mac OSX, the instructions to install wholebrain can be found here.
If you are running windows, manual installation of opencv is no longer necessary. The most updated instructions for installation have been written (with additional modification from me) by Ben D. Singer. The instructions can be downloaded here.
Before using SMART, I highly recommend reading through the documentation for wholebrain before using this package. There are a number of tutorials on the wholebrain website that will give you a better idea of the capabilities of the base package.
If you are experiencing issues with installing wholebrain, please contact Daniel Furth, the creator of the package. We recommend posting issues on the Wholebrain Gitter Lobby ( link here ), a messaging chat room supporting users of wholebrain.
Install SMART
SMART is easily installed from github using the devtools package:
# Load devtools
# Install SMART
# Load SMART
# Pull up package descriptions and list of functions
Technical considerations and recommendations: