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This function stores a list in a mouse object that is the length of the channels parameter. Each element of the list is a dataframe containing combined cell counts for one channel across all slices processed for that mouse. By default, if one slice has no dataset processed for that particular channel, that slice will be skipped over. The function will run properly but a warning will be thrown indicating you should go back and generate a mapped dataset for that particular slice and channel.


get_cell_table(m, channels = c("cfos", "eyfp", "colabel"))



mouse object


(vec, default = c("cfos", "eyfp", "colabel")) Channels to process.


m mouse object


m <- get_cell_tables(m, channels = c("cfos", "eyfp", "colabel"))
#> Error in get_cell_tables(m, channels = c("cfos", "eyfp", "colabel")): could not find function "get_cell_tables"