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Quality check function to make sure that the regions included for analysis show up in more than 1 slice object, otherwise the user can remove exceptions from the mouse object.

Regions counts derived from only one image may be less accurate. This function can generate a log of these regions so the user can qualitatively evaluate the raw data. Users also have to option of removing these regions automatically from normalized_counts dataframe.

The user should run normalize_cell_counts() and get_cell_table() functions prior to using this function. If the user has run split_hipp_DV() with the option to merge, this function will account for for the dorsal and ventral hippocampal counts separately.


detect_single_slice_regions(m, remove = FALSE, log = TRUE)



(bool, FALSE) Remove any regions in the normalized counts table that


(bool, TRUE) Save the regions that don't have enough n into a .csv file in the output folder.
